

Bethany Village, Portland, Oregon


Illustrating :
O R D I N A R Y.........M A G N I F I C E N C E
W O R L D ..........O F......... S E E

.......................................Observing Reality: ...Is It As It Seems...?

Friday, July 30, 2010

Bitter or Sweet: Soup?

Yes, These ingredients of the soup of our lives...AND, which do we pick...which do we use?  And, then, how nourishing is this mix?  How is it for those with whom we share? ...the "Soup" of encouragement and love, compassion, it sweet or bitter?...helpful or destructive?...we get hungry, we eat...Soup  Matters...please help me learn and choose for harmony among all.

Gary, The sap of "Sharing" has brought you here (Where you are Most Welcome). My heart is open to learn, watching, as an "Observer", for that which is "Helpful". Helpful for achieving meaningful understanding in my own life. In that which is "helpful" I will engage; in that which is not I leave standing in its place of observation.